
You are not meant to walk the journey of life on your own…

If you commit to the hard work, the coaching process will be one of the most transformational experiences you will have. Through the process of asking insightful questions, listening deeply, reflecting, sharing observations, and offering suggestions when appropriate, this powerful alliance will help you overcome obstacles and limiting beliefs.

Are you ready…

  • To stop struggling to balance your work, athletic, and personal commitments

  • To stop worrying about your finances and instead live with abundance and purpose

  • To stop wasting time and instead receive guidance to help you focus on the right things

  • To stop missing out on your dreams and instead have someone there to hold you accountable to push yourself to the next level

If you’re ready to commit then you’re ready to grow.

Experience the benefits yourself with a free coaching call

Coaching Packages

You are 100% capable of achieving your dreams. But it takes dedication, determination and accountability. With a coach on your team, you can achieve the life you truly want.

What to expect:

Coach Amy’s coaching packages will help you define your vision, create an effective strategy for massive results, and push you beyond your current capabilities.

Clients who achieve the most lasting and profound changes are those who commit to a minimum of three months of biweekly sessions. This allows them to reinforce the work we do during our meetings and build momentum.

Every package includes Coach Amy’s Redefine your Game workbook and access to Coach Amy via email or text between coaching calls, if you ever have questions or want to discuss something that comes up before a session.

Silver and Gold packages also include the DISC Communication Assessment, a powerful assessment that provides insight into how your personality affects your communication style.

It’s time to Redefine your Game

As soon as you sign up, you’ll receive Coach Amy’s Redefine your Game workbook.

Inside you’ll find nine lessons that will walk you through the most critical steps to getting where you want to be and setting yourself up for massive results!

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Get ready to:

  • Achieve Balance

Get honest about your current state of affairs! Zoom out and assess your life from every angle. Where are you winning? What areas need more focus? 

  • Assess your Values

You are your greatest authority, now’s the time to determine your own values and standards and stop living your life according to anyone else’s rules. 

  • Manage your Finances

Learn how to create an effective game plan to manage your finances so that you are no longer ruled by your checking account. Own your finances so you can own your life. 

  • Level up your Fitness and Nutrition

Develop a sustainable fitness and nutrition plan that will set you up for success in every other facet of your life. 

  • Set Effective Goals

Your goals are like your roadmap, helping ensure you are on track to where you want to go. Together we’ll capture your vision for your life and set the right goals so you’re using your energy in the most effective way and can ensure you’re headed where you want to go. 

  • Leverage your Skills and Strengths

As an athlete, you have learned a wealth of skills beyond the actual techniques and nuances of your sport. These skills are highly valuable in any workplace environment, both inside and outside the world of athletics. Learn to leverage the assets you have to optimize your life and achieve the results you want. 

What Other Athletes Are Saying

Check out what other athletes are saying about Coach Amy. See hows she’s helped current and former athlete transform their careers and their lives. Let their stories inspire you to move towards your dreams!


Schedule Your Free Session

The best way to experience the benefits of having a coach on your side is by scheduling a free coaching session

What do you have to lose?

Sign up for your free session today!