

As an athlete, you know the importance of constantly challenging yourself to improve…

Now you can channel this commitment to excellence into your professional life by joining a Mastermind group.

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A Mastermind group is an exclusive group of like-minded individuals that get together virtually once a month to take their professional and personal growth to a whole new level.


Benefits of a Mastermind Group:

  • Learn new skills and best practices in a group setting

  • Instantly extend your network

  • Receive honest feedback, critical insights and personalized advice

  • Learn from the experience and knowledge of other members

  • Hold yourself accountable to the group for sticking to your plans and goals

  • Think bigger and think better by meeting regularly with inspiring people doing amazing work


Membership Levels

Memberships designed to fit a commitment level that works for you.

Mastermind Application

Ready to take your career to the next level?

Here are your next steps if you want to join or if you’re on the fence:

  1. Complete the application below

  2. Coach Amy Snow will contact you to schedule a follow-up phone call within a couple days of your application

  3. You’ll discuss your goals, your schedule, and what you’re looking for from a mastermind group

  4. When you decide to join, Amy will send you a PayPal link for your full payment

  5. We’ll have an initial Meet-n-Greet, you’ll get all of the dates and zoom links, and we’ll be off and running!